So you just got your a new deck and your ready to start using it! But you want to clear it first because you bought it used or just because that is something you feel is important to do when you first get a deck. But how should you do it? There are tons of ways to clear your decks and get them ready for use! Everyone has different ways but here are some of the most popular ways of clearing your deck:
1. Smudging
Smudging is a great practice to clear basically anything. If you want to clear your house, you can open your windows and doors, and carry a sage bundle and go along the edge of every window and door in your home or office. Using sage or palo santo (I like palo santo because I think it smells better) is awesome to clear your deck also. Wave your deck through the smoke and imagine any negative energies being lifted out of your deck. And that's it!
2. Sunlight
Leaving your decks in full view of sunlight and let the natural sunlight clear your deck. Natural sunlight is extremely rejuvenating for everything especially yourself! Spending time in the sun gives you a feeling of renewal.
3. Moonlight
Having your deck in full view of moonlight during the full moon can clear and charge your deck. The full moon is a great time for recharging anything and putting really wonderful positive energy into it.
4. Selenite or Clear Quartz
Having a piece of selenite around to lay on top of your deck or to put your deck on selenite to clear them. Clear quartz does the double job of clearing and charging your deck.
5. Put them in order
Take your deck and put in all the cards in order. The major arcana, the cups, wands, swords and pentacles.
6. Bury them
This is a bit extreme to me and I've never done it, but you can bury your cards (in plastic obviously) and let them stay under there for 2 weeks.
1. Smudging
Smudging is a great practice to clear basically anything. If you want to clear your house, you can open your windows and doors, and carry a sage bundle and go along the edge of every window and door in your home or office. Using sage or palo santo (I like palo santo because I think it smells better) is awesome to clear your deck also. Wave your deck through the smoke and imagine any negative energies being lifted out of your deck. And that's it!
2. Sunlight
Leaving your decks in full view of sunlight and let the natural sunlight clear your deck. Natural sunlight is extremely rejuvenating for everything especially yourself! Spending time in the sun gives you a feeling of renewal.
3. Moonlight
Having your deck in full view of moonlight during the full moon can clear and charge your deck. The full moon is a great time for recharging anything and putting really wonderful positive energy into it.
4. Selenite or Clear Quartz
Having a piece of selenite around to lay on top of your deck or to put your deck on selenite to clear them. Clear quartz does the double job of clearing and charging your deck.
5. Put them in order
Take your deck and put in all the cards in order. The major arcana, the cups, wands, swords and pentacles.
6. Bury them
This is a bit extreme to me and I've never done it, but you can bury your cards (in plastic obviously) and let them stay under there for 2 weeks.